Traction traction of the spine

Spinal traction is one of the methods of spinal traction. The session is carried out on a machine, which is a special table with a computer with fixings for the patient.
Special straps and cables are attached to the patient's body, which pull the body in different directions during the session. The movement is of a wave-like character, the device weakens and increases the force of the action. Due to this, the stretching is smooth and does not injure joints and muscles. The stretching force is small, it only slightly increases the space between the vertebrae and eases muscle tension. The weight of the load and other specifics of the procedure are adjusted to the patient before the session.
Traction therapy stimulates blood circulation in the affected area, which accelerates all recovery processes, reduces pain, relieves muscle hypertonicity. This helps to restore mobility of the spine and improves the effectiveness of other therapies used. Traction traction of the spine is often prescribed for the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This method relaxes deep muscles, relieves the load on the intervertebral disc and surrounding vertebrae, increases the distance between vertebrae and releases compressed nerves.
This type of therapy has been used successfully since the 1960s.

Indications for traction traction

  • back pain of various kinds
  • intervertebral protrusion and herniation
  • radicular syndrome
  • osteochondrosis
  • sciatica
  • lordosis
  • kyphosis